

Doppler: This unique design seamlessly combines a spooky hall style reverb with a rich, vintage vibrato. Utilizing the renowned Belton Brick, the reverb side of Doppler delivers a vast, ethereal soundscape that can range from subtle shimmer to haunting cathedral echoes. Paired with this is a warm optical vibrato circuit reminiscent of the golden age amps of surf guitar.

Verb: This increases the reverb level. CCW is off. CW is full blend.

Depth: Increases the depth of the vibrato. CCW is off. Noon is a warm smooth vibe. CW is a choppy vintage voiced vibe.

Rate: Controls the rate of the vibrato.

With these simple controls for reverb, vibrato depth, and rate, the Doppler offers endless possibilities for tonal exploration. Whether you're chasing shimmery dream pop textures, jamming out to surf rock, or adding a touch of magic to your leads, Doppler can take you there.